Spinalogy Blogs

World Spine Day 2024 “Support Your Spine”
October 16th ,2024

World Spine Day 2024 “Support Your Spine”

Every year 16 October is celebrated as World Spine Day. The motive behind this is to spread awareness regarding spine related conditions and to promote spine health. The theme for World Spine Day 2024 is "Support Your Spine". This encourages people to prioritize spinal health in all aspects of life. Due to fast changing lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, wrong postural hobbits - spine issues are common problem. Spine issues can disable people physically and mentally. This theme aims to raise awareness of the impact of spinal conditions, pain and disability, and to empower people to adopt strategies for spinal health. 

Importance of Spine

Spine is the pillar of body which maintains the posture. It helps in stability and movement of body. Spine is structure comprises of ligaments, muscles and tendons that work together. It gives structural support and provide wide range of movements like standing, bending, twisting of body etc. It is very important to maintain spine health otherwise it may affect one’s day to day life activities. If not taken care, it can make you disable at a point where you can’t even do a simple task like walking or sitting.

Body Movement – A Mantra to maintain spine health

Movement of body is essential for spine health. Sedentary lifestyle, sitting for hours can badly impact spine. Prolong sitting may create stress and tightness in spine. Minimal or no movement of body can create several conditions related to spine. Walking, stretching, yoga, swimming etc. improves flexibility, stability, strength of spinal muscles, ligament, tendons, improves blood circulation and promote spine health.


Doing exercises for fitness is good but one should remember own health condition or capacity before starting any kind of exercise. Aggressive approach to exercises or body movements may harm your spine. If you have had any health issue or condition regarding spine, start exercising in supervision or under guidance. Start with easy movements like walking, stretching, aerobics, yoga, Pilates etc. If you have chronic back issue start low impact exercises.


Daily activities, sitting, standing, working habits can directly impact spine health. Wrong posture can put extra pressure on spine. Following ergonomics can improve posture. Following contributes in good posture and spine health.

  1. Lumbar Support while sitting
  2. Take a break after every 40 mins. Take a walk or do basic stretching of body.
  3. Use proper footwear
  4. Use pillow or mattress which gives proper support to your spine
  5. Avoid heavy lifting or use proper techniques to lift things

Good habits to maintain Optimum Spine Health

It is very important to keep muscles relax which holds and supports spine. Through some basic changes in daily life, it is possible to maintain good spine health.

  • Hydration: Drink adequate water to maintain hydration. It helps to keep spinal discs hydrated and healthy.
  • Controlled weight: Overweight can put pressure on your spine. It is very important to maintain healthy weight to relive extra pressure on spine.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking interferes in oxygen supply of back tissues which may result into desiccation or degeneration of discs.
  • Proper Footwear: Proper footwear helps in maintaining overall body alignment. Helps in body balancing. Misfit footwear can increase muscle tension in back which affects the spine health.
  • Practice good posture: Always keep spine supported while sitting, getting up, standing. Back support is important to keep spine in position.
  • Stress management: Mental stress or overthinking can affect spine health. Proper rest to body and mind is essential.
  • Proper Sleep: 7-9 hrs. of sleep is mandatory to maintain overall good health.

Importance of Exercises

Movement of body promotes good spine health. People of every age should do body movements according to their capability. Sports helps to enhance strength and flexibility of spine in children. In Adults exercises provides stability, power, flexibility. In old age the same helps to prevent falls and to maintain balance of body.

In spite of any age and capacity of an individual, it is very important to include exercises in daily life. It can be through sports, walking, yoga etc.

On occasion of World Spine Day, A Massage from Founder and Director of Spinalogy clinic – Dr. Kiran Shete

On this important day make a promise to yourself. Maintain spine health, include exercises in your daily life. Focus on correct postures.

For more information visit here: – Spinalogy clinic, First floor, Vidya building, near Sarja Hotel, Aundh, Pune, 411007. 

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